About The Game
The proposed game is designed an interactive quest based game show. The Game ball is designed using latest IoT technologies. The Game show will be a multi-purpose device which will have a Quest based personalised game with randomised question on diversity and inclusivity. The game will be part of the IncLudo corner in the selected organizations. The game usage and user scores for each game session will be uploaded on the server to track the progress at each organization. The game bell will also have other features like message of the day and stories on “D&I” as audio based content.

Game Features & Instruction
Game ball is a voice based interactive Game Show. It will be a connected device which will refresh its Question bank and their voice-overs from the remote server location. It will have following features – Game ball Idle State interactive, D&I Message Module, IncLudo Story-Teller (audio stories) and the main component being the Game Show (interactive voice based game show).
It will be part of the IncLudo corner that will be setup in the selected Organizations. The location of IncLudo Corner will be such where the foot-fall of employees is high like a corner in the reception area, or a corner in a meeting area or in the cafeteria.
The game device will be initialised every day in the morning remotely. The device will be talking to employees during the course of the day. The device will have 4 keys for personalised interaction with the device.
Some Interaction Scenarios
- On pressing key ‘#A’ the Shame show is initialised;
- The voice is played;
- The device is provisioned with basic question – 50 on Diversity and 20 on Inclusion;
- The Question are generated on Radom Choice basis;
- An interactive voice based questions are generated and the user responds with pressing Keys “A”, “B”, “C” or “D”.
- On answering the correct option the next question is asked;
- A total of 5 questions are asked;
- You win the game if you answer all questions correctly.
- The game session is register with user scores which are later synchronised on the server to access progress of the organization;
The analysis of progress is also reported by the game ball on a weekly basis.
Questions are classified in two categories namely Diversity and Inclusivity and under each category questions are further classified under Women issues, disability and other issues of diversity and Inclusiveness. The questions are also upgraded remotely by ZMQ team to create a larger pool of question bank.
Prototype Details
Prototype Name : IoT Game Ball
Version : v.1.0
version release : 12/10/2016
Stage : Development Stage
Design Document : IncLudo GameBall SRS pdf .